- for the convenience of applicants for our expertising service-

Affilliated Organization to the A.I.E.P.
Expert Committee,
Mizuhara Philatelic Foundation

1. Purposes and Characteristics of our Expertising Service
(1) The Expert Committee of the Mizuhara Philatelic Foundation, Foundation offers its expertising service in order to spread and develop philately. The service also aims tocontribute to promote reasonable and smooth transactions of philatelic materials.
This Guide Line is instituted and published by the Expert Committee for the sake of convenience of applicant and for smooth operation of its expertising service.
(2) The Expert Committee judges whether the material applied for is genuine or forgery. The Committee issues certuficate with its opinion.
One cannot use the service of the Committee for purposes other than discrimination of genuine or forgery; e. g., for price survey or evaluation of material.
(3) All the expertising works by the Committee are proceeded with in logical and scientific way by plural philatelic experts with highly specialised knowledge and certificated by the Foundation.
The philatelic experts are specialists of relevant areas of philately and their name lists are submitted to the governmental authorities.
The Committee can request the expertising service of other expert organization in foreign countries, etc, when necessary.
(4) Materials acceptable by the Committee are limited, for the time being, to those related to Japan and its relevant areas listed in the JSCA (Japanese Stamp Specialized Catalog) edited by Japan Philatelic Society, Foundation.
The Committee expects to expand in future its area of expertising service to other materials not limited to the Japan-related.
(5) Our expertising works are to be carried out based on the latest edition of the JSCA.
(6) As a general tendancy, in philatelic exhibitions, it is recommended to attach certificate of opinion of expertising organization to important or delicate materials.
Our expertising service is suitable for such usage in philatelic exhibitions.
2. Application for Expertising Service
(1) Anyone can apply for our Expertising Service. Applicant is requested to fill in a prescribed application form and send it to the office of the Committee together with philatelic material. In case the form is deficient, it will be returned to the applicant.
(2) Unit of expertising service is one individual philatelic material. For example, a sheet of 100 stamps is counted as one unit, while a set of two commemorative stamps is counted as two units.
Applicant can ask up to five units at a time.
(3) When applicant sends material for our service by post, it should be sent by registered mail and should be fully insured.
(4) Office of the Committee issues a deposit receipt upon arrival of material. The receipt should be kept by applicant until the material is returned. The receipt will not be reissued in case of loss by applicant.
(5) Committee will make necessary effort of generally accepted level for the security of material submitted from receipt till return, however, Committee is not liable for any loss or damage by natural calamity and other force majeure. Committee recomends applicant to make necessary countermeasures such as insurance.
3. Expertising Process
(1) At the end of each month, the Committee allots each material submitted in the month to plural philatelic experts who make reports of expertising result within the next month.
Then Certificate is issued based on the opinions of experts.
Expertised material will fall into one of the following categories:
1) Genuine, 2) Forgery, 3) No opinion, or Expertising impossible.
1) For genuine material, a certificate with opinion that it is genuine will be issued attached with tally embossed photograph and a signature of Chairman of the Expert Committee.
2) For forgery, a certificate with opinion that it is forgery will be issued attached with tally embossed photograph and a signature of Chairman of the Expert Committee.
3) When judgement whether the material submitted is genuine or forgery is difficult or impossible, the Committee suspends its opinion, e.g., in case of lack ofsufficient information to decide whether it is genuine or forgery. In this case, a certificate stating that Committee has "No opinion" or "Expertising Impossible" will be issued attached with tally embossed photograph and a signature of Chairman of the Expert Committee.
(2) The Committee, when applicant agrees, can request the expertising service of expert organization in foreign countries, etc, when necessary.
(3) The Committee can request applicant to provide with necessary information about the material submitted.
It also recommends to applicant to attach any information helpful for expertising work ,e.g., purchase source, precedent certificate, precedent owner, etc.
(4) The Committee returns the material promptly after expertising. When applicant wishes return by mail, postage and insurance fees are to be paid by applicant.
4. Fees of Expertising Service
(1) Applicant is requested to make initial remittance of 5,000 Japanese yen, the minimum fee, which will be adjusted to actual fee after expertising work is completed. Initial payment is not returnable.
1)For genuine material, fee is 5% of applicant's declared value. When declared value is considered inadequate, the Committee can change its value based on evaluation in JSCA, etc.
2) For forgery, fee is 5,000 Japanese yen
3) In case of No Opinion or Expertising Impossible, fee is 5,000 Japanese yen.
When Committee re-submit material to foreign expertising organization, etc. with consent of applicant, the necessary fee and charge are to be paid by applicant.
(2) Office of the Committee issues Certificate after confirming the remittance of Expertising Fee.
5. Others
(1) All the responsibilities of the Expert Committee terminate by the issue of Certificate and the return of material (in case by mail, at the moment of posting).
(2) Result of expertising work is the opinion of the Committee. The Committee is not responsible for any influence (positive or negative) rendered to applicant and third parties.
(3) In case of dispute of interpretation of this Guide Line, the opinion of the Committee will prevail.
Amendments of this Guide Line is to be determined by the Committee.
7. Members of Expert Committee and Specialist Experts
(1) Expert Committee
Chairman: Inaba Ryoichi
Vice-Chairman: Yamaguchi Mitsuru
Experts: Furuya Yoshikazu, Ishikawa Katsumi and Yamada Renichi
(2) Experts Members:
Amano Yasuharu, Chiba Shinichi, Fukui Kazuo, Iizuka Hiromasa, Kuwano Hiroshi, Matsumoto Junichi, Nasu Tadanobu, Omura Kousaku, Tabata Hiroshi, Takano Norio,Tsuchiya Masayoshi, Uemura Takashi, Uoki Itsuo
The Committee can hear opinion of other specialists other than listed above, when the Committee considers it necessary.
To obtain application from or detailed information, write to the following.
The Office of the Expert Committee,
(Attention Ms. Y. Mukai, Secretary)
Mizuhara Philatelic Foundation,
Mejiro 1-4-23, Toshima-ku, Tokyo,
171-0031 JAPAN
FAX: +81 3 5951 3332
Bank Account for remittance: (Please add 1,500 Japanese yen as bank charge for every remittance.)
Mizuhara Philatelic Foundation
Account # 17975
The Risona Bank Ltd. Shintoshin Banking Depertment
9.Application form(pdf.)
1) Expertising